Anonymous threatens Vučić for tensions in the north: Kosovo is not vulnerable

The hacker group "Anonymous" has published a video message about the tensions in Kosovo and threatens Serbia and President Aleksandar Vucic, that they should wait for the consequences after the tensions they have caused during two weeks in Kosovo. The roads were blocked by Serbian criminals, with trucks.
"Serbian autocrat president Aleksandar Vucic, Vladimir Putin's puppet, is trying to destabilize the region using the terror and violence of the war criminal Slobodan Milosevic, but it is known that this effort will be suicidal for him," the reaction says, among other things.
Also, the hacker group seems to be well-acquainted with the developments in Kosovo, as it takes the events one by one, from their genesis to Vucic's statements to bring back the military troops. "If we will not remain indifferent to this terror, our reaction will be decisive and immediate", continues the video message of the international hacker network "Anonymous". Further, let them say that they do not forgive and do not forget, so they warn of an answer.
"Our message will be clear, if they don't stop the dangerous actions in Kosovo, because the people of Kosovo are not vulnerable", says the reaction, emphasizing "We do not forgive. We don't forget. Wait for us."

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