It will be hit by an asteroid and burst into flames...


Nostradamus predictions for 2023

The year 2023 finally knocked, but after three difficult years of war, pandemic and political crisis, what will 2023 bring? Many of them have quite high hopes for this year as a turning point from 2020.While many people like to stay optimistic and as far away from predictions as possible, we all like to have an idea of ​​what is expected to happen this year.

Who was Nostradamus?

Michel de Nostredame, better known as Nostradamus, was a 16th-century French physician, astrologer and prophet. He was born in 1503 in the town of Saint-Rémy-de-Provence in southern France and was educated in Latin and Greek. After completing his studies, Nostradamus worked as a doctor, treating plague victims and publishing several books on medical topics. In addition to his work as a doctor, Nostradamus was also interested in astrology and the occult. He began to publish a series of prophecies in the form of poems. These prophecies, which were collected in a book called "Les Proféties", were written in a cryptic and obscure style that made them difficult to understand. Despite this, the book became popular and Nostradamus gained a following who believed he had the ability to predict future events. Nostradamus' prophecies cover a wide range of topics, including wars, revolutions, natural disasters and the end of the world. Many of his predictions are vague and open to interpretation, and it is not easy to verify the accuracy of his prophecies. However, some people believe that Nostradamus was able to predict world events and revolutions, and his predictions have been the subject of much fascination and speculation over the years. Nostradamus died in 1566, but his reputation as a prophet has continued to grow over the years. Despite the lack of clear evidence to support the accuracy of his predictions, many people continue to believe in his abilities and look to his prophecies as a way to understand the future.

Predictions for 2023

First, the war in Ukraine caused by the Russian invasion, according to Nostradamus, will take on even greater proportions and develop into the Third World War. "His fight will last 27 years. Infidels are dead, captives or exiles. The earth will be covered with blood and human corpses." The New York Post reported that this prediction could be related to Vladimir Putin, the American publication that tries its best to connect global events with the words of Nostradamus. The French astrologer wrote that there could be a major space breakthrough in 2023. Specifically, that people will be able to visit Mars next year. Several publications reported that Nostradamus predicted that Buckingham Palace would be hit by an asteroid and go up in flames. That passage, written long before Buckingham Palace was built, refers only to a "heavenly fire engulfing a royal building," so no direct reference to the British royal family. Another passage shows that food prices will rise so much that people end up eating each other. "Honey will cost more than candle wax. The price of wheat will be so high that a man will be driven to eat his neighbor out of desperation." This prediction was also valid last year, but it did not happen. Let's hope this doesn't happen in 2023 either. After all, what did Nostradamus actually predict? As usual, the answer is "a big nothing".

How accurate are his predictions?

Those who have read enough Nostradamus already know that the Frenchman was very good at conceiving some predictions that could be related to various global events after they have already happened.

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