Xhaka "drives" the Serbs crazy, eliminates them and is the protagonist of the fight on the field

Granit Xhaka was undoubtedly one of the protagonists of the victory that takes Switzerland to the 1/8 of the World Cup in Qatar.
The captain of Switzerland, but of Albanian origin, was the object of Serbian provocations throughout the match, along with his colleague Shaqiri, but his answers were not lacking on the green field. In particular, in the 65th minute, the Albanian responded to the Serbian bench with a somewhat inappropriate gesture, which heated up the blood of the Serbs who entered the field.
The second episode happened in the last seconds of the match, where Xhaka was caught first with the goalkeeper Milinkovic-Savic, and then more or less with all the other players, in particular with the Serbian captain Mitrovic, who promised him an "explanation" after 90 minutes.
During the celebrations, Xhaka took off his shirt and put on that of his teammate, Ardon Jashari, who did not play today. We all understand the reason.

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